Kindness Definition

(Noun) Inspirational impactful actions or words used to help underappreciated parts of a community.

(Ex. Homeless Shelter)

Throughout the kindness project, we have learned how to push ourselves outside of our comfort zones and think of others’ needs before ourselves. Reading through posts of so many kinds of things that people have done, such as donating clothes to the salvation army or helping their parents with chores without being asked. Upon reading all of the entries, I found there was one important common factor in all of them. People were spreading kindness to the underappreciated parts of the community. The people or things that society likes to sweep under the rug.

Not only were they doing it for credits in this class, but they were also doing it because they knew they wanted to help out because they felt no one else helps out enough in the part of the community they went to to spread kindness. They wanted to make someone who was struggling have a good day and have something they could look forward to so they would keep going, no matter how hard the struggle.

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