April Art Journal


under my cold feet

   in my head

steps into lake.


   can’t think

finding shells   savouring



one shell has a drop of ocean

mocking me


“That’s it? A drop?”

one shell has a drop of


   star bright

   won’t you guide me home


starlight is beautiful.

one shell was made of glass.

my reflection stares through me.

   my reflection stares through me.

he looks afraid.

   he is afraid.

future is uncertain.

   future is certain.

we cannot breathe.

   we cannot breathe.

see stars.

see light dance through waves.

see all beauty

to turn around

and breach the surface

and walk over gravel

leads us to night sky.

Connection to Belonging:

I did not start this poem with the intention to write about the circle of courage. During the editing process, I found the poem to be a good exploration of myself and a message of hope. I know that wherever I am, I have hope and beauty. No matter how shit the moment, there are stars. I do not belong to those shit moments, nor should I ever. I’ve got someplace ahead of me to look to.

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