Dakota: The Perfectly Cromulent Plant :)

Let me tell you a little bit about my goofy plant and best friend Dakota.

His personality is the best part of him he doesn’t talk much….or at all. When I first potted him I was nervous I always end up killing my plants on accident but he is a survivor. The name Dakota comes from my character from one act. He is a jock with a soft side but he doesn’t let people see it. He is a lover. That character grew on me.

During the time I had to look after him some things did not go well I was scared of overwatering that I wouldn’t water him. When I was away for a week he was as dry as a desert and I got worried for his health, there were so many little bugs but I watered him and talked to him. He’s a goofy little guy and I will miss him dearly.

The person who will be getting Dakota is my best friend Kaeley, I trust Kaeley with my plant as I know he will be in good care with them. They have been the best friend in the past year.

I designed the pot with a fat cat to remind me of my fat cat and little fish because I LOVE FISH! They are so interesting and I could go on about fish but I won’t ( my favorite fish is the yellow box fish they look like little cheese cubes).

The person getting this plant is very important to me even though we met just a little under two years ago but they mean so much to me emotionally and I don’t know where I would be without Kaeley. Words simply can’t explain the bond we have created from saying a few words to each other a day to now being inseperable. I love Kaeley and I know they will love Dakota

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