November Sketchbook – Nevin

Soooo… This one’s going to be a wee bit disorganized. The topic I chose was my favourite song/lyrics. I was enjoying some Mutemath at the time, so I decided to do the assignment on their song “Monument.”

The original idea was “simple”: make a quick little music video using Minecraft and a handful of mods I had. Unfortunately, in October, Central Collegiate (you know, our nemesis) via Mr. McCorriston said “Hey Nevin, you know what our musical needs? You to learn trombone and then be the only trombonist there.” This turned all my energy from man, i feel completely relaxed, bro, to WHERE IS POSITION FIVE? WHY CAN’T I GET POSITION FIVE RIGHT!?

One and a half months after that encounter, I told Saas that getting this music video done in time was going to be impossible. She didn’t mind, thankfully (round of applause for Saas real quick).

So anyways, I mostly figured out position five and performed in the pit band for the musical. It went great for the pit. We had a blast. The cast, however, was not really ever in peak performance mode. In fact, during our last night, two of the actors (of two semi-important characters, no less) shared a, and I quote one of our Saxophone players here, “wet and impassioned” kiss. The band was trying not to burst into laughter at the surprised grunting from the audience, the outraged look on the lead’s face, and the brief feedback loop that their mics caused.

That was fun.

After, I thought that it would be interesting to learn Monument on trombone; the melody isn’t too difficult. I could probably learn it and record it in one day, if I had the sheet music. I did not, in fact, have the sheet music. It was November 29.

All that to say, I don’t have much for the November sketchbook, except for the month itself.

There’s a memory around the corner
There’s an angel on our shoulders
To remind us life is far from over

Mutemath – Monument

I’m fairly certain I turned that corner just fine. Both with this assignment and in my life. It was a good month.

Just a ‘purdy sunrise in my backyard.

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